Friday, March 2, 2012

Hoi An, The City of Lanterns

After a four hour bus ride, we arrived in Hoi An. Southern Vietnam is drastically different than the north from everything to the people, food, and weather. On the way to Hoi An, we traveled through a mountain in a tunnel that took about 15 minutes. When we entered the tunnel on the north side it was rainy and cold.  When we exited the southern end of the tunnel, the sun was shining and  it was around 90 degrees.

Organic vegetable farm

 Hoi An is known for its excellent produce and food. 

Eyes were originally painted on these boats to scare away snakes and crocodiles.

Incense coil

The central market

Fish market

We took another cooking class in Hoi An at the Morning Glory restaurant.  Our menu included fresh spring rolls, savory pancakes, cabbage and shrimp soup, chicken skewers and green mango salad.

Fresh spring rolls

Green mango salad

Hoi An is a beautiful city at night.  It's known as the city of lanterns.

Japanese covered bridge

1 comment:

  1. Food looked delicious, city of lanterns delightful and child resting in the lantern lilly pad soulful. The dog and goat were for adoption? Really cute.
