Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Last Stop...Nusa Lembongan, Indonesia

Leaving from Ubud, we headed to the island of Nusa Lembongan, the last stop on our journey through Southeast Asia. Our transportation from Ubud to Sanur Beach was a beat up bus that looked like it had caught on fire at some point in its lifetime.  Luckily, it only took about an hour to get to the beach where we caught a small boat to Nusa Lembongan.  

Nusa Lembongan was a beautiful island with very few tourists and lots of seaweed farmers.

Most of the locals are seaweed farmers.

Seaweed Farm

Seaweed Farms

Local children playing soccer on the beach.

Mount Agung


Mangrove Forest



Low tide

It took about an hour to walk to Sunset Beach which was completely worth it.  It was probably the most beautiful beach we've ever seen. 

Sunset Beach

The waves at Sunset Beach were too big for swimming, but amazing to watch.

After admiring the waves, we headed to Dream Beach where we could actually swim in the water.

Dream Beach

Sunset on the island

Seaweed Farmers

Nusa Lembongan was the perfect place to end an incredible journey. On our last night we watched the sunset on the island of Bali and thought about all the places we had been and the wonderful cultures we experienced. It was sad sitting on the beach and watching the sunset knowing it was our last night on this once in a lifetime adventure, but we had our families to surprise and queso to be eaten. A big thanks to everyone who has followed us along the way.  We love you all and can't wait to see you very soon!

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