Monday, February 27, 2012

Sin Chao (Hello) Vietnam, Halong Bay

We arrived in Hanoi, Vietnam in the evening and met up with our tour group. Typically we travel on our own, but we found a great deal on a tour and thought it would be a nice break to have someone else do the planning. The next morning, bright and early we set off for Halong Bay, a world heritage site. It was Jeff's birthday and unfortunately he woke up that morning at 4am with the "Traveler's Bug." To say the least it was a long 4 hour bus ride and overnight stay on a Junk (boat) for Jeff. Fortunately he was able to tough it out and was even able to eat the squid balls for dinner (there really was no other option). Halong Bay was absolutely gorgeous and it was a wonderful way to start our tour in Vietnam.

Our Junk (boat) for the night

Our wonderful tour group

The name of our Junk

Halong Bay consists of thousands of limestone karst formations filled with grottos and caves

Floating village in Halong Bay

The market in the floating village

Floating convenience store

On the top deck of the Junk

A cave we visited

Inside the cave

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