Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wat Rong Khun

The number one thing we had to do in Chiang Rai was go to Wat Rong Khun (The White Temple). It is a contemporary Buddhist temple created by a famous Thai artist. It was started in the 1990s and is still not completed. For more info on the temple check out the wikipedia link for Wat Rong Khun. The first thing we had to do was figure out a way to get to the temple because it is 20km outside of Chiang Rai. The hotel quoted us a price of 1000 Baht for a taxi, which seemed way to high. That is when we found this guy...

At only 400 baht he drove us there, waited for us to finish, and then drove us back. Now a ride in a Songthaew (a modified pickup truck) is a bit of an experience.

It has two benches lining the bed of the truck with an enclosure over the top.

It is a cheap way to get around with a very scenic view.

Just make sure you don't fall out the back.

After a 25 minute ride through the countryside we arrived at the White Temple.

The White Temple (Wat Rong Khun) is listed as one of the top ten temples in the world.

The bridge to heaven that first crosses hell.

The damned.

Standing on the bridge over hell.

The right guard on the bridge to heaven.

The left guard.

Heaven is inside the building.

Unfinished part of the temple

The grounds of the temple were littered with different art projects.

Traffic cone.

Wat Rong Khun or The White Temple was one of the most amazing sights we have ever seen. The pictures really do not do it justice.


  1. The hands are a bit creepybut the concept and rest of the temple is amazing.

  2. I thought maybe I recognized some of those "hands" own included-Uncle Jay
